Paul Engelbertink, director of the Dutch Darts Association: “When signing the contract in 2017, we said that BAUHAUS is a partner that suits us. That the company and the target group of our event is a perfect match. The following years have also shown that it is a successful collaboration for both of us. ”
Herwin Oost, commercial director of BAUHAUS, is also delighted with further collaboration: “The no-nonsense character of the Dutch Open Darts fits very well with BAUHAUS’s business philosophy. That has been proven in recent years, a great social event that everyone can participate in. As BAUHAUS we feel right at home here.
BAUHAUS behoort tot de grootste doe-het-zelfketens van Europa. Het Zwitserse BAUHAUS beschikt over ruim 275 vestigingen in 19 landen. Nederland telt op dit moment 3 vestigingen in Groningen, Hengelo en Venlo.
De datum voor de BAUHAUS Dutch Open Darts valt dit jaar in het weekend van 31 januari, 1 en 2 februari 2020. De inschrijving gaat open op 1 oktober 2019. Zet beide datums dus alvast in je agenda! Het belooft opnieuw een groots en gezellig toernooi te worden.
BAUHAUS is one of the largest do-it-yourself chains in Europe. The Swiss BAUHAUS has more than 275 branches in 19 countries. The Netherlands currently has 3 branches in Groningen, Hengelo and Venlo. The date for the BAUHAUS Dutch Open Darts this year is in the weekend of 31 January, 1 and 2 February 2020. The registration will open on 1 October 2019. So put both dates in your agenda! It promises to be a big and fun tournament again.