Date TOTO Dutch Open Darts 2025 announced

The date for the TOTO Dutch Open Darts 2025 in De Bonte Wever has been announced! The upcoming edition will be organized from Thursday 30 January to 2 February 2025. Registration will open on 1 October 2024. So please put the dates in your diary!

The TOTO Dutch Open Darts is the largest and most enjoyable darts tournament in the world, to which everyone, from amateur to professional, can compete. It is an event of the Dutch Darts Association and guarantees four days of fun, party and lots of darts. So make sure you’re there too!

To book a hotel
It is possible to book a hotel room at De Bonte Wever for the TOTO Dutch Open Darts 2025. Visit for more information.

Keep a close eye on this website to stay informed of all developments and the latest news. You can follow the TOTO Dutch Open Darts on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

Datum 2025 JG

Foto: Jos Groen

2 October 2024
Registration for the TOTO Dutch Open Darts 2025 will open on Wednesday 9th of October 2024.
4 February 2024
De koppelfinale bij de heren is op overtuigende wijze gewonnen door het Nederlands-Belgische duo Damian Mol/Brian Raman. Ze versloegen het Nederlandse duo Jimmy van Schie/Jeroen Mioch met 5-1 en deden dat met knappe cijfers.