The prize money for upcoming edition of the Dutch Open Darts is as follows:

Men Single

Place Prize money
1. € 5.000.00
2. € 2.500.00
3. – 4. € 1.250.00
5. – 8. € 500.00
9. – 16. € 200.00
17. – 32. € 100.00
33. – 64. € 50.00
65. – 128. € 25.00

Ladies Single

Place Prize money
1. € 2.500.00
2. € 1.250.00
3. – 4. € 750.00
5. – 8. € 250.00
9. – 16. € 100.00
17. – 32. € 50.00

Men Pairs

Place Prize money
1. € 1.250.00
2. € 750.00
3. – 4. € 400.00
5. – 8. € 200.00
9. – 16. € 100.00

Ladies Pairs

Place Prize money
1. € 750.00
2. € 500.00
3. – 4. € 250.00
5. – 8. € 100.00

Paradarts standing

Place Prize money
1. € 125.00
2. € 75.00
3. – 4. € 40.00

Paradarts wheelchair

Place Prize money
1. € 125.00
2. € 75.00
3. – 4. € 40.00

Paradarts pairs

Place Prize money
1. € 100.00
2. € 50.00
3. – 4. € 25.00

Juniors Single

Place Prize money
1. € 150.00
2. € 100.00
3. – 4. € 50.00
5. – 8. € 25.00

Aspirants Single

Place Prize money
1. € 125.00
2. € 75.00
3. – 4. € 40.00

Girls Single

Place Prize money
1. € 125.00
2. € 75.00
3. – 4. € 40.00

Men Warming-up

Place Prize money
1. € 1,000.00
2. € 500,00
3. (x 2) € 250,00

Ladies Warming-up

Place Prize money
1. € 500.00
2. € 250,00
3. (x 2) € 150,00

All the prize money will be paid by bank transfer for practical and security reasons.

You will receive a prize money form before the start of the round where prize money can be earned.

You are responsible for the correct completion and submission of this form. You can collect and hand in this form on all days at

any control desk or at the reception of the Bonte Wever.

The organisation keeps the right to make changes.